Fahrenheit to Delisle Converter

Enter the temperature in Fahrenheit in the top field, then press the 'Convert' button. Alternatively, you can convert from Delisle to Fahrenheit by entering the value in Delisle in the bottom field and press 'Convert'.

Fahrenheit to Delisle Conversion Formula


Reverse formula and conversion (Delisle to Fahrenheit)


Widely used in the United States, the Fahrenheit scale is named after Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, inventor of the alcohol and mercury thermometers. The freezing point of water is 32 °F, and the boiling point is 212 °F.


The Delisle scale places the water freezing point at 150 °D, and water boiling point at 0 °D. Therefore at higher Delisle numbers correspond lower temperatures. It was invented by Joseph-Nicolas Delisle, a French astronomer.