Rømer to Celsius Converter

Enter the temperature in Rømer in the top field, then press the 'Convert' button. Alternatively, you can convert from Celsius to Rømer by entering the value in Celsius in the bottom field and press 'Convert'.

Rømer to Celsius Conversion Formula


Reverse formula and conversion (Celsius to Rømer)


The Rømer scale owes its name to it's inventor Ole Christensen Rømer. A Rømer degree is equivalent to 40/21 of a Celsius degree. It places the water freezing point at 7.5 °Rø.


The Celsius scale is the most commonly used temperature scale and the standard used for most applications by the scientific community worldwide. The boiling point of water is 100 °C. The freezing point is 0 °C. The word centigrade is used in many languages to describe Celsius.